Choosing your food made simple.
This may sound silly but choosing our foods is becoming increasingly more difficult in my humble opinion. It is easy to get bogged down with what is “good” for you or what is “bad” for you. Instead of scouring over the latest and greatest research for specific guidance (which I can be guilty of…) I pay attention to how I feel when I eat certain foods. Grocery shopping should not be labor intensive or stressful but for many people- it is exactly that.
What are some of your favorite veggies?!
I do my best to follow a few guidelines to help reduce my stress:
2. Eat local foods
3. In season foods
4. Reading labels
The Environmental Working Group does the research for us to help us choose where it is most important to buy organic and where we can probably get away with non-organic produce. They are great and produce a new list each year.
Find your local Farmer’s market! Knowing where your food comes from is amazing and you get to support local business! If you live in the Phoenix Valley check out some of these markets (there are more than
these out there too!):
· Singh Meadows
· Gilbert Farmer’s Market
· Tempe Farmer’s Market
· Clark Park Farmer’s Market
· Ahwatukee Farmers Market
Eating in season gets easier when you shop at a Farmer’s market because they can only sell what they have recently grown. If you want to know what is in season near you, check out the seasonal food guide. They have already done the grunt work for you! Just plug in your location, season and food type!
Label reading is truly an art but it’s important when buying packaged foods. Some easy tricks are to go straight to the ingredient list, if the list is VERY long put it down and walk away! If there are multiple ingredients you cannot read, let alone pronounce, probably not worth eating. Look for a short, simple list for the best choices!
Hope this helps make grocery shopping easier for you! If you would like some extra support, contact me!